Ghost Prophet
COVID LIE: Reeat the lie enough and it becomes truth

COVID LIES: It’s all a LIE, believe it and you DIE.

If you can’t derive this is all a lie from all the media, "experts" and political flip flopping, you must already be dead.

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BLM: The Elitist and Privileged are Criticizing YOU of YOUR Privilege, oh the Irony

BLM: The Elitist and Privileged are Criticizing YOU of YOUR Privilege, oh the Irony

If you think that these spoiled, elitist privileged misled youth who have been destroying our country for the last year and a half are anything other than elitist terrorists, then you’ve taken the bait.

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Replacement Theory: The Democrats Long Game to ensure their Dictatorship

Replacement Theory: The Democrats Long Game to ensure their Dictatorship

No, Replacement Theory is not racist (the theory of importing a population to dilute another population to ensure a majority for political reasons, mostly to get votes) and Tucker shouldn't be crucified for his opinion because his opinion makes alot of sense.

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Do Not Get the COVID-19 Vaccine. It may cost you your life

Since the vaccine has been available, I have seen friends who are well educated and have been skeptical of masks actually get the vaccine and advocate it and it blows my mind. The propaganda has worked so well. This is a global test, and so far it has worked on the sheeple.

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Oh, the loving violent leftists

What Happens When Sheeple Get Upset That They've Been Duped By Their Government

Oh the loving leftists. Peace and Love right? What happens when someone goes against their opinions and truth, they become tolerant and accepting and inclusive right? Wrong, no, they get angry, violent and destructive and show their true colors.

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Cancel Culture Can Eat a Dick

Cancel Culture Can Eat Their Own Dick - This is 1984 Folks

I’m so over the whole bullshit cancel culture. I grew up in the 90’s where everyone had an opinion and stated it loudly without repercussion of losers and weirdos calling the shots to police your statements and erase you from the world.

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HEB Hypocrites

H-E-B & Central Market, The Fake Christians: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing on Politics and Covid

I’ve spoken to a few employee’s of Central Market recently who have been treated unfairly because of their opposition to masks and vaccines.

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Guns, They're Making Their Play to Take'em

All is going as planned… They know the public is stupid at this point since they duped everyone on the scam-demic and masks, let's go for the power grab and get the guns.

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Eatzi's takes a stand in Dallas, TX

Tyranny or Not To Tyranny? Will Businesses Continue With Face Diapers or Not?

Since we live in a “woke” “social justice warrior” culture that “cancels” everything in its path, businesses are slaves to their customers, the public now dictates popular decision.

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Fauci Fraud

Fauci Could Give 2 Shits About Your Health

Let's get right to it, 98.33% of people who died of Covid-19 had underlying medical conditions and 1.67% of deaths did not have underlying medical conditions

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Double Speak Abbott

King Newsom Hates You and Hates Freedom

King Newsom III, do as he says not as he does because if you love Freedom, then you're "RECKLESS!"

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Double Speak Abbott

Lord Abbott & His Double Speak Mask Mandate Rollback

Lord Abbott, king of the Rinos. We all know Lord Abbott is part of the globalist elite and agenda since he attended the World Economic Forum

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Go Fuck Yourself Tommy

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins to be tried for Treason

I strongly believe that any public official who enforced the draconian and unconstitutional mask mandates should be charged with treason. Since he enforced the mandate, the first on the list is Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

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Go Fuck Yourself Tommy

Shut the Fuck Up Social Justice Warrior

If you open your mouth about something as idiotic as mask, you better be prepared for the response you may get. Don’t be a loudmouth unless you’re gonna walk the walk.

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Nonsense Mandates, The Crushing of Small Businesses

Nonsense Mandates, The Crushing of Small Businesses

When you are dependent on the Government, you are enslaved by them. You have a choice. Make that choice wisely as every choice in every moment dictates our future.

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Masked, Enalsaved Abuse of School Children

Prison Theory, Institutionalization and the Quick Slip Into Communism

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about how we’ve slipped into communist rule so quickly. It has alot to do with technology and young adults.

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Masked, Enalsaved Abuse of School Children

Masks as Behavioural Abuse and Enslavement of Our Children

Our first priority and concern during all of this scam-demic insanity should be our children.

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Trade Against Machine

Pelosi's Joke of an Impeachment Circus

Watching the opening statements of the trial. They paid some good Communist actors here.

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Face Diapers

Face Diaper Idiocracy, will two, three, four or five masks work now?

The adoption of mask wearing is the ultimate disregard of personal responsibility

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Social Losers

Social Media Techno Bozo's, the three Assholes who are ruining our livess

These three people literally control your life, your future, and your children's future

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The Liberalism Disorder, the mental health disorder with severe consequences

The tantrums, the crying, the crazy eyes. Tell-tale sings you may be suffering from the Liberalism disease

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Social Accountability, selifes, high fives and free stuff with no consequences!

The last four years has enlightened me to an important lesson on social accountability

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Mask Holes, they stare, they yell, and most can barely spell

The great awakening to how many of your neighbors and friends are mask-holes

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