Ghost Prophet

The Idiocracy of Face Diapers

The obsessive virtue signaling and adoption of mask wearing is the ultimate disregard of personal responsibility. It’s as if every unhealthy choice in your lifetime is now justified by wearing a mask lol. Obese? Eat fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Boom! Mask-up, you’ll be fine. Party too much and drink all day? Boom! Mask-up now you’re safe and healthy. Shooting up and sticking shared needles in your arm? Boom! Mask-up, now you’re drug free and safe from COVID-19 buddy! It’s the ultimate safety net of society’s health.

And you can feel good about it because your saving the Grandparents and high risk population!!! Win, Win!!!


I love how the standard of health and wellness is perceived with wearing a mask. How about we skip the COVID-19 test and test for vitamin d levels? Or check your BMI. A healthy immune system would alleviate many general health issues and protect you from getting sick.

The Government doesn’t care about your health, if they did, they would be handing out free vitamin C & D and subsidizing gym memberships. There has been zero mention in the mainstream media of things to do in boosting your immune system. All guidance has directed you to be sedentary. Stay home, no gym, order more food to be delivered to your door. All things lead to a more unhealthy lifestyle. Not to mention that wearing a mask raises your Co2 levels making you more tired and lethargic. It’s because they want you fat and lazy. They don’t want you educated on health. They want you tied up and completely dependent on their system. The long term effects of wearing a mask are still unknown, but certainly the one thing we do know is breathing unrestricted air is the natural way God intended us to breathe. God also intended us to maintain our immune system to function normally to protect ourselves.

Stop acting and looking like a clown and take the mask off for good.

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