Ghost Prophet

Social Media Techno'Bozos

These three people literally control your life, your future, and your children's future. Even if you are not on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram or buy from Amazon, they still control your life because the majority of people who use these services creates a trickle down effect that has an impact on how everyone lives. Unless you are a recluse in the mountains and totally off the grid, they do control the outcome of your life. Do you want this? These three losers? I mean look at them. They have Gazillion’s of dollars (which is not enough so they want to control everything about us and the world we live in) and they are not happy with their success. As most drunk with wealth, when money is no longer tangible because you have so much of it, you naturally seek out the next hit of dopamine, Power and Control. They think they have earned some social rights authority to now plan the course of our civilization. It’s called Twitter, its logo is a stupid bird icon, you can write posts with a limited amount of words called “Tweets”. It’s the stupidest thing in the world lol. And Facebook? OMG. They make billions of dollars off your family photos and arguments of your political posts. The only service they provide is theft of all your personal information you willingly give them and they make billions off of it. What about that huh? These techno oligarchs believe that they are in the same class of inventors as Nikola Tesla or Thomas Jefferson. Gimme a break.

“Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard just ask, I have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS. People just submitted it, they trust me, Dumb Fucks.”

Mark Zuckerberg

To add the most outlandish insult to injury, they now want to be the arbiters of truth and proxy of communication to the world? All because they say so and have no restrictions or oversight from reality because the people have become addicted that they have no say and no choice. As with most drunk with power, morality and rights have no meaning compared to virtue and authority. Even though these companies dirty secrets like inflated drug addiction and suicide rates due to cyber bullying, increased carbon footprint and pollution due to energy consumption from massive server farms and overall trash and waste from disposable products and infinite excess of boxes from overnight shipping. How does Bird Company, Theft Book and ABC Junk Store Online get away with this?

Want to make a change and break the chain of power and control? Well it doesn’t happen overnight. It happens very very slowly, but it's staying the course over time which will have an impact. You just need to be patient and understand that the other side has been doing the same thing for decades. Just as these companies have grown over the years, they can decline as well. They count on incremental engagement or purchases year over year. All you need to do is spend one less hour a week on social media, spend a few less dollars with Amazon or Whole Foods. Collectively, if we do this by the millions, their shareholders will see the impact and get upset about seeing negative returns. This typically results in changes of control and disrupts executive management. This could also trickle down to layoffs and shifts in strategy. That is the opportunity to change and allow for competition to step in.

We’re in this together for the long haul. Lets not leave a legacy for our children to think that these morons did something that contributed in a positive way to humanity.

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