Ghost Prophet
Fauci Fraud and Sacm Artist Liar

Fauci’s COVID Scam, so you think the Government cares about your health?

Let's get right to it, 98.33% of people who died of Covid-19 had underlying medical conditions and 1.67% of deaths did not have underlying medical conditions which means they were probably due to advanced aging immunosenescence which is the breakdwn of our immune system as we get older which compromised recovery.

This means that COVID overwhelmingly effects people with comorbidities and the top comorbidity is obesity/heart disease. If Fraudci and his crony Government friends cared about you, wouldn't they temporarily shut down fast food or mandate fast food restaurants change their menus to include all healthy options during the "pandemic"? Seems simple, this would create a healthier stronger population to fight the virus right? They don't want you healthy, it's obvious they want you paralyzed with fear. The fact is, if big box stores and fast food restaurants actually cared about your health they wouldn't be serving artery clogging foods during the pandemic. They'd be handing out vitamin C, D and Zinc

So, they shut down most businesses (small businesses to be exact) but Fast food restaurants and Big Box chains like Walmart and Target stayed open. Why? Why wouldn't they incentivize the public to get healthy? Maybe subsidize gym memberships, or maybe even buy everyone a Peloton bike as the stimulus? Explain the logic of why the only answer is MASK, LOCKDOWN and VACCINE? Why not put a moratorium on smoking cigarettes or sales of cigarettes during the "pandemic"? People with COPD are high risk. Wouldn't that save lives? Seems the only advice our overlords give are ones to stifle personal decisions which continue to divide the country. Why not close down liquor stores or ban the sale of alcohol too? That contributes to a weakened immune system.

Just as a reminder, here are quotes from Lib Dems about how "not-deadly or dangerous" COVID is:

Nothing to fear, It’s a ‘bad flu’, ‘masks, schmasks’… Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House Coronavirus Task Force, Jan. 21, 2020: “This is not a major threat to the people in the United States and it is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

Dr. Fauci, in sworn testimony to Congress, March 11, 2020: ’Coronavirus ten times more lethal than flu.’ but Dr. Fauci in the New England Journal of Medicine, March 26, 2020: “…the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)…”

Dr. Oxiris Barbot, New York City health commissioner, Jan. 27, 2020: People “who had recently traveled from Wuhan were not being urged to self-quarantine or avoid large public gatherings.” “There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant, and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday.”

“As we gear up to celebrate the #LunarNewYear [Chinatown parade] in NYC, I want to assure New Yorkers that there is no reason for anyone to change their holiday plans, avoid the subway, or certain parts of the city because of #coronavirus…We are here today to urge all New Yorkers to continue to live their lives as usual.” “There’s no risk at this point in time…about having it be transmitted in casual contact, right?” “The risk to New Yorkers for Coronavirus is low, and our preparedness as a city is very high.”

LA Times, Soumya Karlamangla, Jan. 31, 2020: For Americans, flu remains a bigger threat than coronavirus. “…unlike the coronavirus, which so far hasn’t led to any deaths in the U.S., influenza has killed approximately 10,000 Americans since October, according to federal data released Friday.” “…a much deadlier killer already stalking the United States has been largely overshadowed: the flu.”

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, Feb. 24, 2020: Urged people to visit San Francisco’s Chinatown. “That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here. Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation.”

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio, March 2, 2020: “…I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus…” 

Cuomo, March 23, 2020: “Many people will get the virus, but few will be truly endangered. Hold both of those facts in your hands: Many will get it, up to 80 percent may get it, but few are truly endangered and we know who they are.”

Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and get these shit heads out of office in 2022/24.

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