The Gun Control Scam, They Had it Ready Waiting in the Wings, Now The Time is Right to Take Your Guns
All is going as planned… They know the public is stupid at this point since they duped everyone on the scam-demic and masks, let's go for the power grab and get the guns. This week there was a shooter in Atlanta and now a shooter in Boulder and guess what? Obama and Biden already made public comments on gun control, like they had their comments ready to go. The Senate also had a hearing the day after the Boulder shooting… seems like this was planned and waiting to happen.
In the Senate hearing on gun control (which happened the very next day after the Boulder shooting), they equated the increased BLM and ANTIFA violence over the last year as a way to justify gun control? Are you fucking kidding me? So the government imposed tyrannical lockdowns that caused a complete shift in society, resulting in loss of jobs, suicide, drug addiction, paranoia and anxiety that completely changed peoples behavior and habits and you think that people won’t be on edge?
The Senate hearing compared gun injuries to vehicles injuries and laws on vehicle safety. How vehicle safety laws reduced injury and deaths over the last few decades. Ok, I agree with that but… to my knowledge our founding fathers didn’t have a concern over vehicles being used as a means to enact complete tyranny on it’s people. George Washington didn’t drive around town doing the speed limit with a seatbelt on as a means of protecting himself from a complete tyrannical government takeover.
Ironically the shooter in Boulder isn’t white and didn’t support Trump from what his Facebook profile detailed (Facebook has since taken his profile down). In fact, he is a ISIS sympathizer with an affinity top radicalized Islam. Maybe he is a white supremacist, who knows? It’s up to the media to declare the facts on this one as they always do.
If the Democrats want deeper or more vigorous background checks as firearms reform, thats fine by me. But let’s also do more vigorous background checks on voter ID’s and illegals crossing into our country first.
Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and get these shit heads out of office in 2022/24.