Ghost Prophet
Eatzi's Takes a Stand

Tyranny or Not To Tyranny? Will Businesses Continue With Face Diapers or Not?

I admire and love Phil Romano, owner of Eatzi’s Deli in Dallas, TX. He took a stand on the mask situation by giving customers a choice, wear one, our don’t wear one. This should be a simple cut and dry. But oh no, the nuevo texan liberal woke mob had to make their voices heard. Customers and locals on voiced their outrage of a business having a choice. “OMG, How dare he give people a choice!”, “I will certainly stay away form this place”. It’s so moronic for people to react this way. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but that changes when you are forcing an entire population into a form of bullied slavery based on an opinion solicited from the news lol.

At the end of the day, businesses just care about their bottom line $$$. They don’t care about your health. As long as the majority is buying from them, they’ll swing that way. Since we live in a “woke” “social justice warrior” culture that “cancels” everything in its path, businesses are slaves to their customers, the public now dictates popular decision.

However, business being able to just arbitrarily create their own policy based off of public opinion and backlash is idiotic. When it comes to public access to a business, there is a law called Discrimination in Public Accommodations. Since wearing a mask is a medical “recommendation” that’s not even based on any scientific fact, a business cannot discriminate against you for not wearing one. And a business can’t just make up a new policy that’s based off of public outcry or hearsay.

This sets a very new and dangerous precedent. This means that anything the “woke” “social justice warrior” culture wants, they get. Just like a bratty little child crying over something they want that they didn’t get. What’s next? Today it's masks, tomorrow its haircuts or clothing or general appearance. Look patriotic? Wear an American Flag shirt or hat? Sorry, not allowed to enter the store because other shoppers may feel "unsafe" because patriots are now domestic terrorists.

Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and get these shit heads out of office in 2022/24.

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