Ghost Prophet
Like life in the Gulag?

Their Plan, who is stepping up to change things?

Enjoing Life in the Gulag so far?

Their plan is a never ending lockdown. 15 days to slow the spread turned into 1+ years of tyrannical orders, behavioral change, mask mandates, and now vaccines which may not work and you still need to wear masks and the vaccines may not work against COVID 2.0, 3.0 and so on.

Teens and young adults are already comfortable with their new slave world, by happily obeying and going along with the plan. Some have even stated on social media, “how could we ever be around people and no wear masks in the past”.

WE NEED TO STAND UP. And to those listening, this means a non-violent stand. STOP CLOSING YOUR EYES AND STICKING YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND.

- Take your money out of major banks, put them into small local credit unions or state banks. This supports your community and state and while it may not make a huge impact on major banks, why let them make money on your money?

- Better yet, invest in gold.

- Stop watching mainstream media. Even if you believe otherwise, you’re giving them power by giving them ratings and you’re also allowing them to leak into your subconscious which could make you unknowingly sympathetic to their side.

- Contact your local district, state reps and governors frequently. It can be done by email, phone call or mailed letter.

- Get off of social media. As difficult as it is, they are the problem and you are contributing to the problem. When this country is headed in this direction and you ask why? Because Social Media. Ask your friends and family to send more photos directly to you to catch up on things.

- Talk to your neighbors, friends and family about your beliefs and feelings when possible. Stay calm, don’t get upset or argue because that never helps prove your point. Ask them why they believe in their opinion and ask for proof to back it up.

- Remind people that history repeats itself and we are going through a period of transition that things are already bad and can get much worse.

Last and most importantly, who is stepping up locally to hear our voices? Who has the morals, values and grit to stand up and risk being canceled?

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