Ghost Prophet
Go Fuck Yourself Tommy

Shut the Fuck Up Social Justice Warrior

I grew up in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, NYC. Bay Ridge’s claim to fame was that John Travolta’s Saturday Night Fever was filmed there in the 70’s. Bay Ridge is right on the cusp of a neighborhood called Bensonhurst. Bensonhurst was home to many members of the Columbo and Gambino crime families (aka the Mafia). As a pre-teen and teenager I hung out quite a bit with other friends who lived in Bensonhurst and have seen quite a bit in my time.

If you were around these neighborhoods at the times these guys were running the streets, you’d be careful how you treated people. It was 6 degree’s of separation, no, more like 2 degree’s of separation from someone who is either connected to the mob or knows someone who is connected. This means one thing. You treat EVERYONE with respect. Whether or not you respect what they do or how they live, you treat everyone as if they’re connected because you don’t want to ruffle feathers of a family member on a bad day and get your teeth knocked out or worse knee’s broken over a glance at something you’re not supposed to see. On the flipside, they wouldn’t bother you otherwise. You probably would never know they were there. You go about your business, and no trouble for you. I’ve seen so called tough guys get their asses kicked for yelling at where someones car was parked and get knocked out by a grumpy wise guy.

Where am I going with this you say? Well, back in the day you’d think twice for being a big mouth and not minding your own business. Today with all the keyboard social justice warriors out there, who are emboldened behind their keyboards, they don't understand the real-world implications of yelling at people for not wearing masks or what President you support. Ironically they don’t have a problem shutting their mouths and masking up themselves, they are muzzled by what Fauci or the Government says as it's gospel. This emboldens them to shame, cancel and become mask police or social etiquette police when they should be keeping their mouths shut and go about their business not calling out people for stupid bullshit.

If you open your mouth about something as idiotic as mask, you better be prepared for the response you may get. Just like road rage incidents, don’t be a loudmouth behind the glass of your car unless you’re gonna walk the walk. Don't go to war for a cause you're not willing to defend

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