Ghost Prophet

Liberalism, A Mental Health Disorder

Growing up Liberal

I grew up in a very Liberal household with little to no rules, structure or faith. It wasn't a bad childhood, but was certainly confusing and strange at times. For the most part, I never felt like I fit in with my family and there were times when I was just embarrassed. Most of my friends I grew up with had Liberal parents and raised in a similar way. I would say that the majority of my friends are more Liberal in thought than practitioners of a Liberal political ideology. I’ve proudly formed my own views on life outside of my upbringing and my friends, and against all odds, I’ve established ideals and morals for my Family that would be viewed as conservative. My upbringing has given me a deep and first hand perspective on Liberalism for over 40 years. Whether a person identifies themselves as a Liberal in a political or idealogical sense, their behaviors and motivations are often the same. Now this observation does not apply to every single person who see’s themselves as Liberal (they’re not all bad lol) but those that lean towards the extreme side who are receptive to the mainstream rhetoric. Many of their core beliefs and behaviors are rooted in selfishness. It can be materialism, self righteousness, and not agreeing to disagree, to have the last word and always be right. These qualities are damaging to those around them and have a profound effect on their children, and immediate friends and family. Some of their behaviors can contribute to other issues such as addiction and abuse. I’ve seen this first hand with my parents for over 40 years, the selfishness, not taking responsibility for their actions, the me, me, me, all their problems are caused by other things and people and not their own actions.

It's Not You, It's About Me, Me, Me

The most common trait they often exhibited is how can something benefit them? How can they get-over on someone, or pull a fast-one or tell white lies to get what they need. They use this perpetual cycle for pity, to reign you in, buy into their story, manipulate you and make you sympathize with them all the while finding your weaknesses and leveraging them for their use. Every single apartment complex my parents have lived in (and there have been dozens) they wind up creating problems with their neighbors and apartment managers. Many of the problems based on their perception of how they were treated, or how they were wronged by the things they were promised and never got and so on.

There is a manipulative effect they can have in families, in communities, society and politics. People will naturally feel empathy for those in bad situations, but if the situations are habitual and done with malicious intent to manipulate the empathizer, well then you can only consider it as intentional and part of their core character. We have seen this throughout history in politics especially this past year during COVID. Capitalizing on a scenario that prey’s on peoples good nature and empathy with an intent to control and manipulate them for their own good. Many people take things at face value, few tend to question the underlying agenda or status quo and just want to go on through their day without ruffling the feathers or poking the bear of group think. Liberals know this very well. This is the key to their exploitation of others in society. Almost everything has an agenda to manipulate your decision and choices to make.This happens in music, sports and entertainment, advertisements and everyday life.

What Can Conservatives do?

It has come to a point that if we’re to survive, then we need to do more than just draw our line in the sand. They will wipe away our line, draw their own while telling you how you were wrong and how its fascist that you drew a line, all the while their line is surrounding you. Liberals have been aggressively vicious and flagrant with clear intent to cancel, shun, “re-program” and silence people who do not have Liberal values in society. How is that tolerant? How is that inclusive? How is that healing? It's ironically a fascist way of thinking.

The only way to maintain our way of life is to stand our ground with an intelligent approach to fighting back. And fighting back does not mean being violent. Violence is never the answer, it only sets us back further, and fuels their fire. What they can’t stand is unapologetic defiance. We need to be hyper aware and smart in whom and what we support. From where we shop, to what we watch and consume and who we support politically obviously. But most importantly how we raise our children. We should never expect our children to be the same individuals as we are, hell, I’m not lol. But establishing a strong foundation in family, accountability, self sufficiency, fostering an inquisitive nature, pride in ones work and accomplishments will establish a direction in which the only outcome would be a profound strength in one’s character, convictions and confidence in this world, because that is exactly what we need right now.

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