Ghost Prophet
Pelosi Joker

Pelosi's Impeachment Circus

Explain to me this circus, why are we impeaching an ex-president?

Watching the opening statements of the trial. They paid some good Communist actors here. Talking about the officers who were harmed?

Where were they for the last year of riots with dozens of injured police and then screaming for defund the police. WE ARE NOT BUYING THIS ACT. The acting is so good they should in an Oscar or an Emmy like Murderer Cuomo.

How much of our tax payer money is being wasted right now to satisfy the Communist party and their supreme leader Pelosi’s blood lust of self-righteousness? What has congress done for the last year but argue over how much stimulus money people should get? Are they that scared that he may run and win again in 2024? I think so. The impeachment does nothing but prevent him from running again. This is nothing but a show to set precedent in calling any Trump supporter, patriot or conservative an enemy of the state.

Nearly a year of violence, many with direct threats from Democrat Communists that are on record in video and social media with no recourse. Where is the Republican party? Where are the patriots?

You should be enraged by this whether you love Trump or hate him. These Communists are perpetrating a circus to continue to incite public discourse and divide. Why are they not on trial? This in itself is inciting hostility against this country to divide us even further and they know this, it’s all part of the plan. Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the Communist party schmucks should be tried for treason as they are the true insurrectionist fascists.

This is the beginning of a very dark time. Be prepared.

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste”

Nancy Pelosi
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We Have Ultimate Moral Virtue Authority over You Sheeple!
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Enjoying my $16 a pint ice cream from my $24,000 fridge while you suffer in the shutdown

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