Ghost Prophet

The Treasonous Tyrant Dallas County Judge, Clay Jenkins Needs to be Held Accountable

I strongly believe that any public official who enforced the draconian and unconstitutional mask mandates, social distancing idiocy and other lockdown measures should face treason and manslaughter charges for the unnecessary suicides directly caused by the lockdowns. Since Clay Jenkins enforced the mandate, he should be first on the list. This guy is a douche, actually an all capitals DOUCHE. He is an uber self-righteous liberal with no regard for freedom or our constitution. He should’ve been born in NYC where he’d fit right in with Cuomo. This is the guy who enforces masks for a scam-demic but back in 2014 drove a family infected with Ebola in his car in Dallas, TX to a new home with no protective gear on as a publicity stunt and said he was never at risk because the family showed no symptoms. Well I show no symptoms of covid or ebola, why should I have to wear a mask in stores? Jenkins is also a partner in the Loncar Lyons Jenkins personal injury law firm. Personal Injury firms aka “ambulance chasers” are notorious for shady practices in soliciting business from accident victims. Wouldn’t you think it's a major conflict of interest for an elected Dallas County Court Judge to be partner in a personal injury law firm? It’s not like he wouldn’t have the authority to lock people down and force them to wear masks right? What else could he force upon other public services such as hospitals and the police department?


Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, The hospital admitted 29 children last month after they attempted suicide. For the year, the hospital said it has seen 192 of these patients, which is more than double the number they admitted during the same period five years ago. “We see kids every day, telling us they’re struggling. They wish they can go back to their normal lives,” said Dr. Kia Carter, medical director of psychiatry at Cook Children’s. Carter said the delayed return to school — and return to normal life — is leaving some children with a sense of hopelessness.

Brian Loncar, friend of Jenkins and business partner has had several life changing tragedies involving suicide of their daughter and Brian Loncar himself. Loncar’s wife is even an advocate for mental health awareness and depression so it’s ironic that with these lockdown mandates over the last year which have been devastating to society, especially children that this douchebag Jenkins can have such malice in enforcing these orders and looks as he almost enjoys it. One of the most tragic statistics is the rate of suicide and depression with the vast majority being young girls ages 13-15 years old. How many children will need to die unnecessarily before Jenkins wipes that smirk off his face and ends this tyrannical lockdown.

The rates of those reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before the June CDC survey are higher among those between ages 18-24 (25.5%), essential workers (21.7%), and minority racial/ethnic groups (18.6% Hispanic, 15.1% non-Hispanic Black).

This is the oath sworn in by Dallas Elected officials. Being that Jenkins broke his oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State of Texas. Jenkins is directly responsible for all suicide deaths starting from the date of his enforcement on Friday June 19th to present.

CONSTITUTIONAL OATH OF OFFICE IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, I,________________________________________ do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of _________________________________ of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this State, so help me God.

Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and get this asshole out of office in 2022.

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