Ghost Prophet

Unmasked Store and Unmaksed Old People Cause Social Media Rage!!

Mask Free Store Oakes Farms, Seed to Market Oakes Farms in Naples, FL is mask free folks! It's funny the media's coverage and reaction to this, no one in the store is masked or distancing and they're loving it and the media is hating it. Communist's and mask-holes alike are outraged and the reaction on social media is priceless. "This should be a crime!". "A stunning display of neglect". The mask is just a way for one tribe to shun the other and to shame and guilt you into having free thought. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED FREEDOM says the masked tribe! How dare YOU! Remember folks, Like good Ole' Marx'y preached - "The common good is above the rights of individuals so persecution is justified as long as it is good for the collective society." NBC News Unmasked Shoppers in Florida

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