Ghost Prophet

Replacement Theory: The Democrats Long Game to ensure their Dictatorship

No, Replacement Theory is not racist (the theory of importing a population to dilute another population to ensure a majority for political reasons, mostly to get votes) and Tucker shouldn't be crucified for his opinion because his opinion makes alot of sense. Joe Biden is pro-globalist and is manipulated in part by their agenda which is to move us towards a one-world government. Why would anyone cater to people other than their own who are suffering?

Remember the Syrian/African Refugee’s? The infiltration of Europe and changing society and political balance because of transplanted migrants? Sound familiar? Well thats because it’s the same strategy the Globalists are employing here with the South American migrants.

The left has a very specific agenda with voter replacement. All hours of the day, busloads of woman, lots of pregnant woman and children. The end game is to ensure a century of Democrat rule by importing millions of voters with the intent of a multi-generational voter strategy. When all of their healthcare education and housing is paid for by good ole’ Uncle Sam, what do you think they’re going to do? Their parents are on the teet of the Government and so will their children and their children’s children.

They won't show you this on mainstream media. Busloads of pregnant woman being shipped over the border to McAllen, Texas with envelopes full of cash and plane tickets. I wonder what they're doing? Seeding the country with new voters of course.

They will always vote Democrat (without ID’s of course because thats another strategy that plays into this) because that’s where they get all the free stuff from. While our own American citizens suffer from losing their small business due to the self-inflicted government shutdown of society, these migrants are being placed in luxury hotels with envelopes of cash. What a smack in the face this is. Why doesn’t Hunter Biden front some cash he made off of Dad’s power and influence?

Now if you’re wondering why the border agents, local law enforcement and policy makers let this happen, it isn’t because they want this to happen to our country, it’s because the technocratic regime has established this so-called cancel culture within society for the sole purpose of damning anyone for doing the right thing in standing up for what they believe in. This then undermines the oaths and responsibilities of those sworn to protect this country in fear of speaking up being fired and having themselves and their families canceled.

Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and change this backwards bizarro world we are subjected to from these losers.

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