Ghost Prophet

Lord Abbott, We're Not Fooled By Your Double Speak Mask Dangling

Lord Abbott, king of the Rinos. We all know Lord Abbott is part of the globalist elite and agenda since he attended the World Economic Forum back in January 2020. He’s got a stake at the world table and he’s not giving that up. This sham of a mask mandate rollback is just the dangling of the carrot to appease his easily fooled base of supporters in the hope of election. He’s no different than Cuomo.


I am amazed today with the news of Lord Abbotts announcement how many text messages I got saying “look no more masks!"". Uh no, don't think so. Businesses will still require masks. They're private and create their own policy. The enslaved masses have already proclaimed their love of masks, double masks, triple and quadruple masks. They won’t stop wearing them, they absolutely love their virtue signaling that much and businesses know this. They want to keep their business and not lose customers, so as long as the enslaved zombie public continues their love affair with face diapers, there will still be masks regardless of a proclamation from Lord Abbott. I'll believe it when I see all stores not enforcing masks and taking down the sham mask and social distancing signs.

The World Economic Forum's Initiative: There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.


Literally the New World Order is putting the plan out there but the sleeping people will say it’s conspiracy. This is how it works folks, the elite’s who make the decisions for this planet will put the information out there. If you know where to look, you’ll find it. Sometimes its right in your face front and center. Many won’t believe it’s of nefarious intent and will come up with their own explanation of what they're being told because they won’t believe the truth. After the elite’s plan is put in place and the sheeple start freaking out, the elite can say well, the information was there the whole time, we had an action plan right there for everyone to see. WAKE UP, Let's get new leadership in place who are not in the globalists pockets. It’s very tough as man of them are and are easily persuaded but our lives and our children’s lives depends on it.

Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and get this asshole out of office in 2022.

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