Ghost Prophet
Fauci Fraud and Sacm Artist Liar

It’s all a LIE, believe it and you DIE.

If you can’t derive this is all a lie from all the media, "experts" and political flip flopping, you must already be dead.

With all the reporting on new Delta cases, cases, cases, cases! Seems people want to know about cases right? A White House reporter asked for number of White House Covid Infections: Jen Psaki answered ‘Why Do You Need to Have that Information?’ Psaki responded: “No, but why do you need to have that information?” The reporter answered “Transparency, interests of the public" The Biden Admin certainly wants to strike fear with "DELTA NUMBERS OF CASES INCREASING MADNESS!!!" But won't disclose cases in the White House since the answer obviously eludes to people in the White House have the Vaccine and are still getting COVID-19, or are against the Vaccine itself. LOL are you kidding me? The White House doesn't even believe the so called "Vaccine" works and won't fess up to it.

See, sorry but told ya so. Harken back to the time of 14 days to slow the spread, ah the good ole days. 14 days turned into public service announcements for washing your hands while singing happy birthday (remember that one?). Washing your hands turned into social distancing, social distancing turned into wearing a mask if you had symptoms, which turned into our Surgeon General in March 2020 telling us

“The risk as American citizens remains low," Surgeon General Jerome Adams told the "Fox & Friends" show on Monday. "There are things that people can do to stay safe. There are things they shouldn't be doing. And of the things they shouldn't be doing, the general public, is going out and buying masks."" - Surgeon General Jerome Adams

Fauci in March 2020 on 60 minutes telling us

"Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. ... There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.” - Anthony Fauci

Oh and remember double and triple masking?… January of 2021 Fauci said

“So if you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on, it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective,” - Anthony Fauci

Oh and vaccine passports… Remember the time when it was a conspiracy theory to even mention mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports to enter businesses or to be employed? Uh oh, NY Governor Cuomo on Wednesday said and many other cities and Federal agencies following suit.

New York will require state employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or get tested weekly, a mandate that will go into effect on Sept. 6, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Wednesday.”

Isn’t it interesting that for over a year with no vaccine, and supposedly very very very ultra fast widespread infection across the globe there were NO variants? And when vaccination hesitancy slowed down Biden’s July 4th goal they are ratcheting up the drive even more for vaccines? Remember when Kamala: If Trump told me to take the Vaccine I wouldn’t”. But its the same vaccine, Trump didn’t make the vaccine, so Kamala is telling you she doesn’t trust the vaccine either. So when its convenient politicians flip a switch and change all their opinions and the entire public just forgets and agree’s with the new opinion. Can you say dumb SHEEP! OMG, literally it’s laughable.

Just remember, like the famous George Orwell quote from 1984

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on the human face, forever." George Orwell

Thats where we’re at, politicians and the media have used this scamdemic to turn the public and your friends and family against you in order to control your thought and force you to vaccinate, hence the boot stomping on your face forever. Wake up. Fight Back. Live your best life!

Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and change this backwards bizarro world we are subjected to from these losers.

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