Ghost Prophet
BLM Elite Hypocrisy

BLM: The Elitist and Privileged are Criticizing YOU of YOUR Privilege, oh the Irony

If you think that these spoiled, elitist privileged misled youth who have been destroying our country for the last year and a half are anything other than elitist terrorists, then you’ve taken the bait. The relentless gaslighting and propaganda has been so effective, that literally these groups can wave their progressive wand over social media and cast a spell on reasonable people in which they will begin to believe and support these progressive ideologies and question their own morals and character which define who they are.

If you wear the mask, take the vaccine, believe in critical race theory or believe BLM or ANTIFA is a legitimate movement, you’ve taken the political bait. This is ALL political bait to promote communism and collapse our country as we know it. I’ve spoken to quite a few folks of many ethnic and racial backgrounds and they don’t buy into what’s being fed to the public via mainstream and social media.

Let's talk about privilege. From the videos and photos I’ve seen over the last two years, the rioters have smartphones, they have pretty expensive clothing, especially sneakers. They seem to go have an affinity to high-end clothing brands when they loot stores, hence they have a taste for elitist products and clothing. They have megaphones and other gear that cost money. They also have the time to go out and protest hence they probably don’t have children to take care of, and they probably don’t have full-time jobs. That in itself is privilege.

priv·i·lege: a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
ter·ror·ist: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Much of the anger, rioting and hostility we’re seeing is being supported by the youth, as we have seen in prior generations, however the difference here is that there are false promises being made by liberal progressives who want to change this country into a communist wasteland driven through social media. Most of our youth have become lost souls who only seek attention from fake friends and movements on social media. This gives the youth more incentive to get more radical to get attention, hence rioting violence etc, which are all captured on social media and video or live streamed. This is a dangerous feedback loop that will get worse as time goes on. The public will get more desensitized to what they are seeing and the bar will be raised by rioters to get attention from social and mainstream media.

These movements, BLM and ANTIFA are grass roots and are run through social media and funded by large wealthy backers such as George Soros. Patrisse Khan-Cullors, founder of BLM was recently called out on her hypocrisy for purchasing several million dollar homes in very affluent areas of California. Why? How is that helping the black community? It is helping her selfishness. Social Media came to her rescue when Facebook censored critiscm about her buying spree. Has anyone asked what BLM has actually done for the black community other than create more anger, stress and damage to communities through rioting, looting and violence? What positivity has BLM brought to the world? How have they directly helped the communities they have been responsible for destroying?

Tamika Palmer, the mother of Breonna Taylor called out BLM as a fraud because she had never received any money raised for her daughter by BLM. Facebook removed Tamika Palmers criticism of BLM. Why? Social Media is in the pocket of the technocrat elites and liberal progressives as it goes against their message of destroying the country as we knew it. But the youth completely ignores this and the hypocrisy goes unnoticed.

It’s all complete hypocrisy, elitism and privilege to assume a leadership role of a self proclaimed “civil rights organization” that rakes in millions of dollars from corporations to spend on mansions for themselves and not give to the families they’ve been exploiting all the while creating havoc, resentment and damage to the same communities they are supposedly “helping”.

We’re tired. Tired of the hype, the bullshit rhetoric and the amplification of divide among us the average people of this country all the while the technocrats and political elite enjoy the safety of their private security in their walled/fenced homes.

Good people of Dallas, TX, please register to vote and change this backwards bizarro world we are subjected to from these losers.

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