Ghost Prophet
Masked, Enslaved Children

Behavioural Abuse and Enslavement of Our Children

Our first priority and concern during all of this scam-demic insanity should be our children. It sickens me to see what is being done to them, and we’re funding the abuse with our own tax money! It’s criminal subjecting our children to this manipulation and indoctrination into an ideology based on selective science and manipulated facts. The fear and anxiety they go through for a flu-like virus that has been shown to not infect them, nor transmit through them is absolutely criminal. Having them play outside on school grounds with masks on, IT’S OUTDOORS whats the need for masks outside?! Why did parents not have more of a voice and a choice in the process? Right there is proof to me this is all by-design and a training exercise to ensure the behavior sticks to keep masks on indefinitely.

Children are being isolated from each other during free-time and lunch. The plexiglass dividers, temperature checks, walking in line literally like they’re prisoners. It’s just like a prisoner intake process. It’s humiliating, damaging and sick. Social skills are an integral part of a child’s development to function in society. Children ages 2-6 learn most of their behavior through social and verbal cues. You are teaching them to be un-emotional, un-emphatic robots who don’t understand social behavior. You think school shootings of yesteryear were bad? Just wait for the future of these kids. State Government, school districts and parents are complicit in this and should be held accountable.

The Four C’s below are social skills fundamental to learning and child development. Explain to me how these can be learned effectively during the scam-demic?

Confidence: One of the first skills teachers focus on is the development of a child's sense of confidence or self-esteem. This means helping them feel good about who they are, both individually and in relationship to others. This is a lifelong skill that will help them feel competent as they continue in school and later in life.

Cooperation: Games, stories, and songs helps a child learn how to work with others — no small task at this age! This teaches them how to empathize and to get along with others. How can kids engage with others with social distancing?

Curiosity: Perhaps one of the most important skills needed to develop at this stage is a true thirst for learning. Teachers will use a wide variety of interesting materials and ideas to engage a child's natural curiosity. How is this done remotely or with so many restrictions in-person in a class?

Communication: Expression and representing their ideas, feelings, and knowledge about the world is a key skill for a child. It is at the core of all reading, writing, math, and science skills. How can there be effective communication done remotely? Children can barely see or hear a teacher with a mask on.

Literally all of the above skills are being un-learned in school right now with the current scam-demic restrictions in place. This is by design.

We chose to homeschool our children, and it maybe indefinitely. We didn’t put our children in DISD because we will not have our children subjected to wear masks or degrade their ability to learn, destroying their childhood in the most important years of their lives. I believe everyone has a right to choose. Choice is freedom. If you want to wear a mask thats fine, but don’t force them on people who choose not to by proxy of fear, peer pressure or corporate policies which is unwarranted.

We need to change this. How does this start? By ensuring we have a solid voting platform that people can trust.

Contact your district's representative and let them know how you feel. Also reach out to and voice your concerns about election integrity. If we can’t trust our elected officials to secure our voting machines, then even voting for the right folks to represent our concerns won't matter, and things will not change, EVER.

“Children do learn what they live. Then they grow up to live what they've learned.”

Dorothy Nolte
Abused children treated like inmates in school
Inmate arriving to prison sentence or schoolkid going to school?
Abused children treated like inmates during playtime
Prison yardtime or school recess? Got me fooled.

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