Ghost Prophet

Mask Holes

2020 was the year of the awakening. The great awakening to how many of your neighbors and friends are mask-holes. The gawking, self-righteous, tattle-tale self appointed aggressively moronic virtue signaling doctors who know better than everyone else because they listen to “Science” fed to them from their television or facebook feeds. These are the same people who speed through school zones and give you the finger when they cut you off. These Mask Holes who have magically become super educated on science and medicine since 2019 can be grouped into two categories. The ones who are aggressively self righteous about masking and who will yell and shame you in public, and the ones who are sleeper Mask Holes, the ones who agree with you to your face in a conversation but get all sheepish out in public because they don’t have backbones or don’t want to be shamed themselves.

For the record, I don’t wear a mask. I just don’t. Not in the store, not in my car alone, not in my home. My family doesn’t wear masks either. Most people try and box me into a category of “oh you’re a Trump supporter” thats why you don’t wear a mask. I guess I should have blonde whispy hair and a bad spray tan too right? Nah, I like breathing unrestricted air, you know the stuff that gives everything life on our planet. I also stick to my morals and logic as an intelligent human being. I don’t allow the nanny media to scold me into doing something just because all the cool kids are doing it. I pick up on things around me because I’m perceptive.

I have yet to see the actual "science" behind wearing masks. And even if there was "Science' to prove it was effective, I still wouldn't wear one. Sciences says smoking's bad, people still smoke. Science says fast food kills, people still stuff their faces with greasy big macs. There are many reports about masks that are stifled by the media saying they are ineffective, but still there is no conclusive report on whether masks are completely effective in transmitting or preventing COVID-19. But most Mask Holes will tell you, "Just wear the mask ok?". As if bullying me into it will now force me to wear a mask. They will also yell at you there's so much "science" out there to read, I won't do the homework for you, yet, still they produce no hard evidence or fact but only bullying rhetoric. So, if you have no symptoms, there's no reason to wear a mask. Wear a mask if you're worried about a virus and live your life not being a Mask Hole. But, you may still be an asshole in other ways.

“Stupid is, What Stupid Does”

Forest Gump
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